5 Solar Power Myths Busted!

5 Solar Power Myths Busted!

The list of myths and mistruths are plenty in the solar industry. From how carbon footprint produces solar panels to costs relating to the benefit ratio of buying a solar system, it make it hard to believe what’s true and what’s not.

The biggest contributor to the spread of misinformation is the internet – may of these claims are coming from personal and social circles. With all that’s out there, we’ve decided to bust these myths head-on

The Top Five Solar Electricity Myths, Debunked

Myth 1:

Solar Electricity Takes More Energy To Generate Than It Can Produce

The truth is that solar electricity produces far more power in their lifespan than the amount of electricity they consume when built.

This myth has been doing the rounds for many years – and it’s the biggest one yet. The irony is that each year it spreads more false it becomes. Thanks to advancing technologies and innovative manufacturing techniques, solar panels and solar electricity is becoming more efficient in its production.

Renew magazine conducted an assessment into the life cycle of solar panels and the results indicated that it take up to 2.3 years for a solar panel to pay itself back regarding carbon costs. In the assessment, mining raw materials, production of the panels, transporting their parts and product use were all taken into consideration.

An A-grade solar system can last anything between 20-30 years before you need the panels to be replaced,wl with a performance warranty of 25 years!

Myth 2:

Solar Electricity Doesn’t Work On Cloudy Days

Verdict? False! Regardless of whether there’s sunlight, solar panels will produce solar energy, albeit less efficiently

On cooler months when the whether is more overcast, solace panels will still generate energy. Even with the presence of clouds, sunlight isn’t completely blocked out – if that was the case, we’d be in complete darkness whenever the sun is covered! The type of clubs covering the sky determines the degree to which the sunlight is blocked, so your solar panel will always be producing electricity on cloudy days, but not as efficiently as on clear days. This is primarily because clouds filter sunlight reaching for solar panels.

If you paid close attention, you’ll notice that high, thin and wispy clouds hardly ever stop sunlight from coming through. Low, thick storm clouds, however, create a stronger barrier. In such cases, solar electricity production is reduced, but not stopped.

Myth 3:

Solar Panels Are Expensive And Take Forever To Pay Themselves Back

This is not true! There are many incentives from using solar systems and they all make solar electricity more cost-effective.

There are so many benefits, schemes and programs that assist with reducing the upfront cost of solar panels including those from state-run initiatives and nation-wide schemes. All these schemes also extend to battery storage in some cases which means more savings for you.

Grid-connected solar power systems, depending on how much electricity you use and the size of your system, you can expect a full payback between 2-5 years.

Myth 4:

Expect Blackout Power With Solar Power

Solar panels on their own will never result in a blackout!

Battery storage is the best option if you’re looking for back-up power in the event of a blackout or grid interruption. There are instances where blackout power is available as a standard feature for batteries, but may also need extra setup to work. When consulting with a solar power company, make sure you ask them about blackout power and whether it’s available in your system of choice.

Myth 5:

Solar Panels Makes My Electricity Cheaper

A verdict we love to answer; TRUE! However, this depends on how you use the power produced from your solar panels and not just that you’ve installed them.

How you use the power generated by your solar panels will affect the solar on your electricity bill. For example, if you use your solar power during the day for using the washing machine or using the  dishwasher in the evening, you shouldn’t need much electricity usage at night, meaning that your grid-connected electricity bills will be reduced.

What’s more, generating excess solar energy you’re not using during the day will give you a chance to get credit on your bills called a ‘feed-in tariff, and this will also help you cut down on electricity costs.

Adding a battery storage will further help you save on bills and you’ll become less reliant on the energy grid

Now that you how what’s being said and what the truth actually is, you can make the informed decision to switch to solar power. If you already have solar panels installed, kudos to you!

At Bellingers Electrical Contracting, we’re a solar company in Townsville dedicated to excellent customer services and taking care of our clients’ solar needs. If you need solar electricity services, pick up the phone and give us a call.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen