Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Custom Pet Portrait 

Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Custom Pet Portrait 

When it comes to getting custom portraits of pets, there are many things you need to consider. You want to make sure you get the most out of your money and that you’re happy with the final product.

Here Are Some Essential Questions To Ask Yourself Before Commissioning A Pet Portrait:

1) What Type Of Pet Portrait Do I Want?

There are many different styles of pet portraits out there. Some artists use a traditional approach, and others have more modern techniques. There’s a wide range in pricing as well, so it’s important to know what kind of portrait you’re looking for before committing to anything. If you don’t know exactly what type of portrait style suits your needs, then try contacting an artist directly by email or phone call.

2) What’s My Budget For This Project?

Your budget is probably one of the most important things to consider when it comes down to getting a custom pet portrait. Some artists charge per hour, while others offer flat rates depending on how many hours they estimate it will take them to complete your piece. The prices vary greatly between different styles as well – if you want a more realistic painting, you can expect to pay more than choosing a less detailed approach.

It’s important to remember that expensive doesn’t always mean better – be sure to do your research and find an artist whose work you love, even if they’re not the cheapest.

3) How Many Subjects Should My Portrait Have?

Portraits can be of just one subject or multiple subjects. If your pet is the only focus, this will likely cost less because there’s less work involved in drawing them out individually versus another animal that may need to be included (like a family member). You’ll also want to think about if you want multiple pets in your portrait – this could be a great way to save money on pet portraits!

If there are two subjects, they’re both going to need their own space, so make sure that it’s evenly distributed around the canvas when planning out where everything will go. This also means being aware of any objects within view, such as furniture or people standing nearby, so they don’t take too much space and make it look crowded.

If there are three subjects, then again, you’ll have to think about what type of pet portrait style best suits your needs – is it going to be a more traditional approach with simple outlines, or do you want something more elaborate like abstract art?

4) What Colors Should My Portrait Have?

Some artists prefer to work in black and white, while others like color. You’ll also want to consider where your artwork will be displayed – if it’s going up on a wall, then there will probably be some other colors around that might clash with any bright ones used by the artist, so keep this in mind before deciding what colors you want.

If there are multiple subjects, then make sure they’re all going to look good together in terms of color – for example, if one pet has dark fur and another has a light, it might be better not to use any bold hues, so both animals stand out equally well against each other.

Some people like using a color palette that matches their pet’s fur colors, while others might choose to go with a more festive approach and use bright rainbow colors.

5) What Size Should My Portrait Be?

The size of your portrait will depend on how many subjects are in it, as well as where they’re going to go. If there’s only one pet, choosing a smaller canvas might work best because they’ll stand out more against any background colors and won’t get lost amongst all the other details around them. If there are two pets, then a larger canvas might be better, so they’re both visible from afar without having to look too close up at them all the time – think about where you want your artwork displayed before making any decisions!

6) How Should My Artwork Be Displayed?

Your pet portrait can be framed or unframed depending on where you plan to put it. If it’s going up on a wall, then framing might be necessary so that when people look at the piece from afar, they don’t see any of the edges around where your painting starts and ends – this could make everything look messy! On the other hand, if your artwork is going somewhere else where there will be other things around, like furniture or plants, then it can go unframed because they’ll cover up any edges that might otherwise stand out too much against them.

There are many different types of frames available, so do some research into what style works best for you before deciding what size and shape you want your artwork to be displayed in.

In conclusion, pet portraits are a great way to capture the special moments you share with your best friend. They’re also perfect gifts for any occasion! So whether it’s their birthday or just because they deserve some love and attention – think about commissioning an artist today so that together we can make memories last forever.






Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen