What Storage Solutions Are Best For Apartments?

What Storage Solutions Are Best For Apartments?

One of the best things a property owner could do for its renters is to install some solid and secure storage solutions. When the renters have the option to store their extra belongings in an on-site storage facility as opposed to having to travel across town to some other location they are happier. Who could blame them? Sometimes off-site storage facilities want to take advantage of the situation that renters are in and charge an exuberant amount of money per month for a tiny storage space. When property owners install on-site storage, all of the headaches that go along with off-site storage just go away.

The Best Storage Solutions

It is a good thing that there are some really good options available out there for owners to consider. The main thing is that when the property owner makes the decision to move forward with the installation of storage facilities, that they do not settle for wire mesh bins or anything inferior of the like. The best storage solutions are going to be ones that offer both privacy and security. The main point is to offer the renters a place to store their extra belongings in a place that will deter thieves and be safe from the elements. Leaving belongings out in plain sight, or in a see-through storage solution does nothing but cause problems.

Secure Storage Bins

Some of the best storage solutions are the ones that provide a strong and sensible place to store extra stuff. A great and common solution is to install storage bins. In most cases, the dealer that provides the bins will provide a session where they come to the apartment complex and assess the entire facility in order to show the owner the bests places to install the bins. Many times the landlord will be surprised at how much space they already have that will sufficiently house the bins. Storage bins can have rollup doors or swinging doors. They are mostly constructed of galvanized steel so that any thieves will have a tremendous time breaking into them.

Most of the bins that are available on the market today are customizable and can be built in shapes and sizes that are suitable for the environment where they will be placed. The versatility in the craftmanship of the bins allows them to be placed in corners, on top of each other, or wherever you can strategically place them to make the most out of them.

The best part about storage bins is that the renters will absolutely love them.

7 Genius Storage Solutions That Clear the Clutter in Style

Over Vehicle Storage Boxes

Another type of storage solution that an apartment complex could benefit from is the over the car storage box. What makes these so special is that they can provide 80 cubic feet of storage space out of what would normally be thin air. The way that they work is that a large box is supported on a sturdy stand that provides enough room for the vehicle to park under it. The car, or truck, simply parks in their own parking space where the box is, and uses the box to store their belongings in.

The stands that hold the boxes up are adjustable so that they can accommodate larger vehicles. Not all trucks can fit in that small of a space, but trucks and other vehicles that same size will have a hard time parking in apartment parking garages anyway. Most vehicles will fit.

What’s great about the over car storage is that the property owner can install them in each parking space that there is available, side by side, and not have to do any major construction overhauls in order to install the storage. 


In the end, the best possible storage solutions for an apartment building will depend on the limitations and the needs of the facility. Yes, the strong and secure storage bins are probably a better selection, but the over-the-car options are almost as good. Either way, both of them are much better than none.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen