Guilt Free Interior Visualization In 3d Tips

One of the important components of the work on the interior space of any architectural object is 3D interior visualization. Programs for visualization are of a great variety. Among them: 3D Max Studio, Auto CAD, Archi CAD, Artlantis, and Cinema 4D.It will take up to 3 months for a novice to understand how it all works. If you want to learn 3D modeling more quickly, you can use such amateur programs like Floor Plan 3D, Home Plan Pro, Google Sketchup, Sweet Home 3D or Pro-100.

exterior visualization

Which program to choose?

3D Max Studio allows visualizing literally everything: interiors, exteriors, furniture, and accessories.The program requires a computer with serious technical parameters and time to study.If a computer will not be the most powerful one, and the interior will be saturated with many details, visualization can last for several hours or days.Several plug-ins and add-ons have been developed for programs.

AutoCAD and Archicad are two equivalent programs, with the only difference that one is better known than the other is.Both are equally suitable for 3D visualization. They are less demanding to computer resources, but the result will be less realistic also.In Cinema 4D, functions are similar to 3D Max Studio. Plug-ins to the program are rather difficult to find, because the product is not so much promoted as its analogue.

house visualal design

If you need to visualize or animate the interiors, created in other programs, your choice relies at Artlantis.The program is designed specifically for these purposes. Its distinctive feature is rendering speed.As a result, the image becomes slightly better than Auto CAD or Archicad can do, but slightly worse than 3D Max Studio.While dealing with the visualization is possible but difficult, it is better to pass this major step of design to professionals.

The interior, elaborated in 3D software, is a volume and three-dimensional realistic image, the creation of which is possible due to computer technologies. The project is implemented in a single program. You can change colors, textures, and the materials of future interior in real time as many times as you need.

family home visualization

The use of global light projection technology allows creating natural and attractive lighting in the final images’ visualization. Lifelike images are produced as a result of long and painstaking work.

When do you need the project of visualization in 3D?

For those who are not yet familiar with the possibilities of visualization and do not know what it is, we’ve decided to periodically publish articles on issues of visualization of houses and interiors.In them, you will find information about when and why it is advisable to order a visualization of the project, who can do it, and how much it costs.In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet some best works in this area and, of course, their authors.For the most curious of you, we’ll tell in which design software visualizers operate and which ones are easier to learn on your own.

In order to understand quickly what the visualization is, it is enough to look closely at the image of a wooden house from above to find out that it does not exist yet (at least, at the time of visualization). It can exist as the project or as the conceptual design, or only as sketches in pencil, and sometimes – only in the imagination.

You cannot do without the visualization when it comes to construction of projects, requiring investments.For example, a small hotel, restaurant, camping and so forth. In this case, the qualitatively performed visualization of the object is one of the essentials in its implementation.

In addition, not everyone has developed spatial imagination, and the projects can be quite complex. In this case, the three-dimensional model of a house will accurately represent how every corner of it looks like. In addition, based on the same model according to your order, visualizer can reproduce the interior of any room of the future house, according to your wishes and even will furnish the place with those furnishings you want.

High quality visualization of the object may be done by the architectural design studios or it may be private individuals (they do all the work eventually).The quality of visualization can be very different, just like the price for it. It is, of course, primarily dependent on the skill of the performer, on used programs, the skill of the artist, and your taste.

As for the cost of such work, there are no definite things, but it can be formulated as follows: the value of visualization of the object is always many times lower than the wasted materials and work, if you have expected to see something completely different.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen