Solar Power For Schools & Non-Profits: Why Make The Move?

Power your school or non-profit building with sustainable and clean solar power. It will free up the budget for so much more other than the cost of electricity. Today, there are many non-profit organizations and schools that are demonstrating the leadership when it comes to being environmentally friendly.  Non-profit organizations often times are large consumers of electricity. An investment in a solar power system will help alleviate some of the burdens of having enough in the budget for necessary items or programs.


In the state of California, the non-profit organizations are able to get a special rebate for solar power as an incentive, which will make the investment more affordable. For the government agencies, schools, and non-profit organizations, the rebates are normally 20 percent higher than the typical rebate. With the special needs of a non-profit organization, SunBug Solar will be able to design a specific solar power system that is tailored in order to maximize the energy savings on the solar power for schools & non-profits, while keeping the upfront costs more affordable.

Solar Electric Buying Options for Schools and Non-Profits

In addition to the cash purchase options, the commercial solar leases and the power purchase agreements, also known as PPAs, will allow a non-profit and school o benefit from the federal incentives. A lease or PPA is an alternative to a loan to finance or owning the system. A PPA or lease provider is able to monetize on the federal incentives and then pass on the benefits through to the non-profits or the schools using lower lease payments or as the PPA with a lower contracted rate. In addition, the PPAs and the leases are created to minimize or even eliminate the initial up front fees, which makes the solar immediately affordable for the establishments that would like to go “green”. The organization is able to go solar and also be cash positive instantaneously.

Unlike paying for the electricity from the electric company, the cost of the energy is completely determined in advance before your system is installed, so the school or non-profit is able to predict and budget for the costs. Since the provider of power is the sun, it is always completely free. A PPA or a lease contract will avoid any unexpected fluctuations in price that you would normally experience when you are purchasing the energy from the utility company. No matter if you are a school, civic facility, church, or even a local charity, the organization will benefit drastically by making the move to solar power.

In order to get the appropriate quote from the company for the right sized system, you will need to get the square footage of the building in which the system will be installed. You will also need to acquire the estimated energy usage that is located on your current utilize bill. This will ensure that the solar power for schools & non-profits will continue to have the right amount of electricity to run and operate.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen