How Solar Energy Is Created and Stored

How Solar Energy Is Created and Stored

Energy from the sun is transferred through the air from the sun and can be harnessed to provide energy to areas of the world. For example, solar cells are created into solar panels, and these harness the energy from the sunlight and convert it into energy that can be used as electricity. Alternatively, mirrored surfaces can be used to focus sunlight in a specific area to heat water and create steam from doing so, with the resulting steam being used through a turbine to produce electricity.

Gathering Solar Energy

The sun emits heat and light all day, and this can be harnessed and used to supply electricity and power to areas around the world. It provides enough energy to meet the daily demands of the entire population. By collecting the energy that comes from the light and the energy waves from the sun, it can be used immediately, or it can be stored in batteries for use later. The two main ways to achieve this are with solar panels and turbines. PowerPlus Energy solar panels are a set of solar cells, also called photovoltaics. They are used in groups to cover a larger space and allow them to collect more of the light and heat energy that is caused by the sun. These cells are silent and do not move unless mounted on a platform that turns to remain in full sunlight longer. These cause no pollution to the environment and are safe to be used anywhere. They come in small sizes to charge batteries, cell phones, and personal devices when camping or outside and in assorted sizes up to the large ones that are mounted on buildings. In other circumstances, mirrors or lenses are used to direct the sunlight into one smaller area. This creates intense heat and light that will heat water quickly and create steam. This steam is used to go through a turbine which produces electricity as it turns.

Storing Solar Energy

Solar energy can be stored through the use of batteries or supercapacitors. These will gather the energy from either solar panels or from turbines and will release it as needed. It can be stored for an extended period of time in either of these products and drawn on as needed. Another method of storing solar energy includes storing thermal energy in molten salt and maintaining it at a high temperature. To access this energy, it is transferred through a heat exchanger, and that steam will move a turbine that creates the electricity. The last method is to use a photoelectrochemical cell to separate water into the individual hydrogen and oxygen gases which are then stored. When needed, they have combined again, and that will generate the needed electricity. Using this method produces water as a byproduct which allows it to stay environmentally friendly and safe for use. Finally, to harness the heat directly from the sun, a tank of water can be heated by simply being in the sun for hours a day. The sunlight will heat the water directly, and it can be used for washing.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen